General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic

1. Scope

The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all orders via our website. The offer on this website is aimed exclusively at consumers residing in Switzerland (hereinafter “customer”).

A consumer is a natural person whose name is Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic maintains business relationships that cannot be attributed to either their commercial or independent professional activity. Orders in non-standard household quantities can be rejected without justification.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. The version of these General Terms and Conditions valid at the time of the order is decisive and cannot be changed unilaterally for this order. Customer conditions that conflict with or deviate from these General Terms and Conditions will not be recognized.

The operator of this website is Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic .

2. Information on this website

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic contains information about products and services. Price and range changes as well as technical changes remain reserved. All information on (product descriptions, images, illustrations, films, dimensions, weights, technical specifications, accessory relationships and other information) is for illustrative purposes and is to be understood as approximate values ​​and is non-binding. In particular, they do not represent any assurance of properties or guarantees, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic endeavors to provide all details and information on this website correctly, completely, up-to-date and clearly, however Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic neither expressly nor tacitly guarantee this.

All offers on this website are subject to change and are not to be understood as a binding offer.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic cannot guarantee that the listed products will be available at the time of ordering. Therefore, all information regarding availability and delivery times are without guarantee and can change at any time and without notice.

3. Prices

The sales prices stated on Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic represent final prices and, unless otherwise stated, include statutory VAT and any other statutory levies such as advance recycling fees (VRG) or copyright levies on electronic devices. The prices are purely net in Swiss francs (CHF).

Any shipping costs will be charged additionally unless otherwise provided and must be paid by the customer. Shipping costs are shown separately in the ordering process.

Technical changes, errors and printing errors remain reserved. In particular, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can make price changes at any time and without prior notice. The sales prices do not include consulting and support services.

4. Conclusion of contract

The products and prices on this website are considered non-binding offers.

By ordering via this website, including accepting these terms and conditions, the customer is making a legally binding offer to conclude a contract. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic then sends an automatic order confirmation by email, which confirms that the customer's offer has been received by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic. Orders placed are binding for the customer. Unless otherwise stated, there is no right of return or withdrawal.

The contract is concluded as soon as Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, sends a declaration of acceptance by email confirming the dispatch of the ordered products or services.

Orders will only be delivered after full payment has been received (exception: delivery against invoice) and provided the goods are available. If it turns out that the ordered goods cannot be delivered or cannot be delivered in full, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic is entitled not to accept or only partially accept or execute the order. In such a case, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, will inform the customer by email. If the customer's payment has already been received by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, the payment will be refunded to the customer. If payment has not yet been made, the customer is released from the obligation to pay.

5. Payment options and retention of title

The payment options specified in the ordering process are available to the customer.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic reserves the right to exclude customers from individual payment options or to insist on advance payment without giving reasons.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can charge default interest of 5% per year and a reminder fee of a maximum of CHF 20 per reminder if the customer defaults on payment.

The products delivered to the customer remain the property of Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, until full payment has been made.

6. Delivery, obligation to inspect, notification of defects and return

Deliveries are sent by post or courier to the address specified by the customer in the order.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic strives to keep delivery times as short as possible. However, any delivery times stated in the order confirmation are non-binding. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic is entitled to make partial deliveries. In this case, the shipping costs will only be charged to the customer once.

If delivery against invoice is offered, the invoice will be sent by email or by post, at the discretion of Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic.

If the delivery cannot be delivered or the customer refuses to accept the delivery, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can terminate the contract after notifying the customer by email and observing a reasonable grace period and invoice the costs for the work.

The customer is obliged to inspect the delivered goods immediately upon receipt of the delivery and to report any defects for which Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic guarantees, immediately in writing by letter or email to the address in the imprint ( .

Returns to Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic are made at the customer’s expense and risk. The customer must send the goods in their original packaging, complete with all accessories and together with the delivery note and a detailed description of the defects to the return address provided by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic imprint (

If the inspection by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, shows that the goods have no detectable defects or that they are not covered by the manufacturer's guarantee, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can charge the customer for the work, the return or any disposal.

7. Right of withdrawal

The customer is granted the right of withdrawal for 10 calendar days after receipt of the goods. The deadline is deemed to have been met if the customer sends the written cancellation by email or letter (address according to the legal notice, >link) to Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, within the deadline. The revocation does not require justification.

Exercising the right of withdrawal will result in the contract being reversed. The customer must return the goods within 10 calendar days in their original packaging, complete with all accessories and together with the delivery note to the return address specified by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic in the imprint ( Returns to Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic are made at the customer’s expense and risk. Any payment that has already been made will be refunded to the customer within 20 calendar days if Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic has already received the goods back or the customer can provide proof of shipping.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic reserves the right to demand appropriate compensation for damage, excessive wear or loss of value due to improper handling and to deduct the reduction in value from the purchase price already paid or to invoice it to the customer.

No right of withdrawal is granted in the following cases:

  • If the contract has an element of chance, namely because the price is subject to fluctuations over which the provider has no influence;
  • If the subject of the contract is a movable item that is not suitable for return due to its nature or can spoil quickly;
  • If the subject of the contract is a movable item that is made according to the customer's specifications or is clearly tailored to personal needs;
  • If the contract concerns digital content and this content is not made available on a hard disk or if the contract must be fulfilled in full by both contracting parties immediately;
  • If the subject of the contract is a service and the contract must be fully fulfilled by the provider with the prior express consent of the customer before the cancellation period has expired.
  • In the areas of accommodation, transport, delivery of food and drinks and leisure activities, if the provider undertakes, when concluding the contract, to provide the services at a specific time or within a precisely specified period.

8. Warranty

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic strives to deliver goods of perfect quality. If defects are reported in a timely manner, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, guarantees that the item purchased by the customer is free of defects and functional during the statutory warranty period of usually two years from the delivery date. It is at the discretion of Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, to provide the warranty through free repairs, equivalent replacements or a refund of the purchase price. Further warranty rights are excluded.

The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, the consequences of improper handling or damage by the customer or third parties, or defects that can be attributed to external circumstances. The warranty for consumable and wear parts (e.g. batteries, accumulators, etc.) is also excluded.

It is not possible for Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, to provide any assurances or guarantees for the timeliness, completeness and correctness of the data or for the constant or undisturbed availability of the website, its functionalities, integrated hyperlinks and other content. In particular, it is neither guaranteed nor guaranteed that the use of the website will not infringe the rights of third parties who are not owned by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic.

9. Liability

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic excludes any liability, regardless of the legal basis, as well as claims for damages against Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic and any auxiliary persons and vicarious agents. In particular, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic is not liable for indirect damages and consequential damages, lost profits or other personal injuries, property damage and pure financial losses to the customer. Further mandatory legal liability remains reserved, for example for gross negligence or unlawful intent.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic only uses hyperlinks to simplify customer access to other web offerings. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, cannot know the details of the content of these websites, nor can it assume liability or other responsibility for the content of these websites.

10. Data Protection

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic may process and use the data recorded as part of the conclusion of the contract to fulfill the obligations under the purchase contract and use it for marketing purposes. The data necessary to fulfill the service can also be passed on to commissioned service partners (logistics partners) or other third parties.

The data protection regulations can be accessed in detail at the following link: (>Link data protection)

11. Partial invalidity

If individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions prove to be ineffective or unenforceable or become ineffective or unenforceable, the effectiveness of the remaining provisions remains unaffected.

12. Other provisions

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic expressly reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and to bring them into effect without notice.

In the event of disputes , only substantive Swiss law applies, excluding conflict of law provisions. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG, Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods) is explicitly excluded.

The place of jurisdiction is <Rapperswil-Jona von Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic or the consumer's place of residence .

13. Contact

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact: (>Imprint)

(version September 26, 2022)