Data protection regulations of Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic

1 The security of user data is our top priority

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic respects the privacy of all users of the website or online shop (hereinafter referred to as “the customer” or “the customers”). These data protection regulations form the basis for the processing of personal data and provide information about what type of user data is collected from customers by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, how Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic uses this data and what rights customers are entitled to. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, complies with applicable data protection laws and processes personal data solely for the purposes for which the data was transmitted.

This privacy policy will be adjusted, supplemented or changed from time to time. With each new access or visit to the website, the current, available version applies.

If there are any contradictions between this data protection declaration and the otherwise applicable contractual or business conditions of Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic , the provisions of this data protection declaration take precedence.

2 Type and purpose of the data collected

The term “personal data” or “personal data” as used in this privacy policy includes information that can be used to personally identify customers.

The processing of personal data means any handling of personal data, such as collecting, using, storing, disclosing, transmitting or deleting the data.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, on the one hand, collects personal data automatically when the customer interacts with the website or uses the online shop. On the other hand, personal data that a customer provides (e.g. by contacting us, creating a user profile or customer account) is recorded automatically or manually.

2.1 Data collected automatically

When you visit the Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic website, statistical visitor data is automatically collected about which parts of the website the customer visits. Every time a website is accessed, the web server automatically saves a so-called server log file, which contains, for example, the name of the requested file, the customer's IP address, date and time of access, browser used, operating system, amount of data transferred and the requesting provider (access data). contains and documents the retrieval. In this context, it is sometimes necessary for so-called cookies (see section 4 below) to be used.

This access data is evaluated exclusively for the purpose of ensuring trouble-free operation of the site and improving our offering.

2.2 Data when interacting with Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic for contract processing, contact and when opening a customer account

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, does not automatically collect personal data from customers, such as name, address, telephone number or email address.

On the other hand, personal data from customers is collected if a customer voluntarily provides this information as part of an order or when contacting Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic (e.g. via contact form or email). Mandatory fields are marked as such because in these cases Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, requires the data to process the contract or to process the contact and without this information the order or the contact cannot be sent. Which data is collected can be seen from the respective input forms.

If a customer decides to open a customer account, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, uses the personal data for the purpose of opening the customer account. The mandatory information requested during registration must be provided in full, otherwise Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can refuse registration. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, only uses the personal data collected for the purpose of using the online shop or the respective offer or service for which the customer has registered. In addition, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, can use the customer's email address to inform them about important changes, such as the scope of the offer, or technically necessary changes.

After the contract has been fully processed or the customer account has been deleted, the customer's data will be restricted for further processing and deleted after the tax and commercial law retention periods have expired, unless the customer has expressly consented to further use of the data or has not agreed to one We reserve the right to use data beyond this as permitted by law. The customer account can be deleted at any time and can be done either by sending a message to the contact details provided below (see section 9 below) or using a function provided for this purpose in the customer account.

3 Legal basis for collecting and processing personal data

The legal basis for collecting and processing the customer's personal data depends on the respective purpose of data processing in each individual case. In particular, the following are in question:

  • the protection of the legitimate interests of Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, provided that the interests of the customer or fundamental rights or freedoms are not unreasonably impaired;
  • the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract; or
  • Consent of the customer at the time the personal data is collected. The customer can revoke his consent at any time. For this purpose, the customer can send a corresponding notice to the contact details described below. The legality of the data processing that has already taken place remains unaffected by the revocation.

4 Use of cookies and use of data

4.1 Cookies

In order to continually improve the website for customers, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, may use cookies. Cookies are small pieces of software information that are stored on the customer's computer hard drive by web browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) to make it easier to use the website (e.g. language selection, shopping cart, etc.).

Some of the cookies used by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, are deleted again at the end of the browser session, i.e. after closing the web browser (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on the end device and enable Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, to recognize the customer's web browser on the next visit (so-called persistent cookies). The duration of storage can be found in the overview in the cookie settings of the web browser.

Most web browsers automatically accept such cookies, but web browsers can be configured not to accept or store cookies. However, if cookies are deactivated, the functionality of the website may be restricted. Details can be found in the operating instructions or the help function of the web browser.

4.2 Use of data

The anonymized data that is recorded using cookies when you access the Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic website can be used for web analysis purposes, to optimize the website and to measure performance. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can use third-party providers for this purpose, some of whom have their own data protection regulations, over which Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic has no influence.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic uses functions of the following web analysis services:

Google Analytics
The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google evaluates the use of the website in order to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic. The IP address transmitted by the customer's web browser as part of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data.

The information generated by cookies about the use of the website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google observes the data protection provisions of the “Swiss-US Privacy Shield” agreement and has registered with the US Department of Commerce for the “Swiss-US Privacy Shield” (information about the Swiss-US Privacy Shield can be found at https://www.privacyshield .gov/Swiss-US-Privacy-Shield-FAQs ).

Further information can be found in Google's privacy policy at .

Google Ads and Google Conversion Tracking
The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

As part of Google Ads, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, uses so-called conversion tracking. If the customer clicks on an ad placed by Google, a cookie is set for conversion tracking. These cookies lose their validity after 30 days at the latest and are not used to identify the customer. If the customer visits Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic's website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can recognize that the customer clicked on the ad and was redirected to this page.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, learns from Google the total number of users who clicked on the ad and were redirected to a website with a conversion tracking tag. However, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic does not receive any information with which the customer can be personally identified.

Further information can be found in Google's privacy policy at .

Google Maps
The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic uses Google Maps to visually display geographical information. When using Google Maps, Google transmits or processes data about the use of the Maps functions by website visitors, which may in particular include the IP address and location data. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic has no influence on this data processing.

To the extent that information is transferred to Google servers in the USA and stored there, the American company Google LLC is certified under the “Swiss-US Privacy Shield”.

In order to deactivate the Google Maps service and thus prevent data from being transmitted to Google, a customer must deactivate the Java Script function in the web browser. In this case, Google Maps cannot be used or can only be used to a limited extent.

Further information can be found in Google's privacy policy at .

4.3 Social media content

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic can use social media plugins from social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter on the website.

When the customer accesses a website that contains such a plugin, the web browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of the respective social network. The content of the plugin is transmitted directly to the web browser by the respective provider and integrated into the page. By integrating the plugins, the providers receive the information that the customer's web browser has accessed the corresponding Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic website, even if the customer does not have a profile on the corresponding social network or is not currently logged in. This information (including the IP address) is transmitted from the customer's web browser directly to a server of the respective provider (possibly in the USA) and stored there. If the customer is logged in to one of the services, the social network providers can directly assign the visit to the Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic website to the profile in the respective social network. If the customer interacts with the plugins, for example presses the “Like” or “Share” button, the corresponding information is also transmitted directly to a server of the provider and stored there. The information is also published on the social network and displayed there to the customer's contacts.

These social network platforms have their own data protection regulations, over which Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, has no influence.

The purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of the data by the providers on their pages as well as a contact option and the related rights of customers and setting options to protect privacy can be found in the providers' data protection information:

If the customer does not want any of these plugins to be loaded, it is recommended that they log out of the relevant social networks. Furthermore, various web browsers can be set or supplemented with add-ons (e.g. Facebook blocker) so that the social media plugins are not loaded.

5 newsletters

If the customer would like to receive a newsletter offered by Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic requires the customer's email address and other information that allows us to verify that the customer is the owner of the specified email address and agrees to receive the newsletter (so-called “double-opt-in” procedure). If the customer would like to register for a newsletter as a registered customer, he can give his consent at the time of registration or later using the registration function in the customer account.

With the newsletter, the customer regularly receives recommendations and offers that might interest them. For this purpose, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic collects and processes personal data regarding the customer's usage behavior on the website, the orders placed with Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic and how the customer uses the newsletter (e.g. whether the newsletter is opened or which web URL is accessed). clicked on the left). Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, can evaluate this data for statistical purposes in order to better tailor the content of the newsletter to the interests of customers.

The processing of the personal data entered into the newsletter registration form is based on the customer's consent, which the customer can revoke at any time in the future. The revocation can be done either via the “unsubscribe” link in the newsletter, written notification from the customer to Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic at the address listed below or by deregistering in the customer account. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, uses the personal data collected to design the content and send the newsletter. It will not be passed on to third parties for their own (advertising) purposes.

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic stores the personal data provided by the customer for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter until the customer unsubscribes from the newsletter.

6 Sharing your data

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic will not disclose customers' personal data to third parties. This is excluded if the customer has agreed to the transfer of the data to companies that are not affiliated with Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic, or if Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic is required to do so by law, official authority or court. In addition, if service providers who support Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic in data processing, administration of the website or in any other way as well as in the provision of the products and services requested by the customer are involved (e.g. parcel or newsletter delivery service providers). These third parties are obliged to maintain the same level of security and data protection as Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic.

7 Data Security

Unfortunately, the transmission of data over the Internet is not completely secure. Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic works with service providers and internet providers who take appropriate technical and organizational security precautions to protect customers' personal data. However, Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic cannot guarantee the security of the data transmitted by the customer. Any data transmission is therefore at your own risk.

8 Your information and cancellation rights

Of course, every customer is free to inform Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic at any time - for example in an email - that the personal data should not be used to contact us in the future. Participation in the special services of the Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic website, such as the newsletter service, can also be revoked at any time.

In addition, it is possible to obtain information about the processing of the data or to request a copy of the personal data collected via the website.

9 Contact

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or data protection at, a customer can contact using the following contact details:

Ultraverse, owner Djordjevic
Säntisstrasse 27 8640 Rapperswil-Jona

10 final provisions

Should individual provisions or parts of these data protection provisions prove to be void or ineffective, this will not affect the validity of the rest of the data protection provisions.

The place of jurisdiction and the applicable law are governed by the General Terms and Conditions ( Terms and Conditions ( ).

(version 09/26/2022)